Pest Control in Restaurants
Thorough pest control and management is absolutely critical for any facility that is involved with food handling and storage. Operating in a clean and safe environment is a must if such businesses are to meet the stringent requirements established by regulatory authorities. Since the primary activity for restaurants is food, there is a tacit risk for infestation, and the employees must be aware of such risks and the options available for prevention and management.
Pest Control In Restaurants can be a challenging activity due to several factors: copious amounts of food, lots of moisture and warmth, extended business hours as well as multiple sites for pest harbourage. It gets even trickier for restaurants which operate round the clock since the kitchen seldom takes a break for the purposes of regular pest treatments.
In all likelihoods, the restaurants may have to close for sometime so as to allow the treatment to be done since only specific products can be used during normal operating hours. In other situations, pest control is done late in the night or early in the morning in order to accommodate business hours, especially because most experts prefer to work when the kitchen is not being used so as to maximize the potency of the treatment applications.
In the face of such challenges, it is very important for restaurant personnel to cooperate with pest technicians so as to come up with a successful relationship and treatment regimen. An effective partnership is crucial since even the slightest evidence of pest activity in a bar or restaurant can seriously jeopardise reputation. And reputation is everything in the food and drink business.
Restaurants face four major pest concerns, namely cockroaches, stored product pests, rodents as well as flies. Although rodents are the most dreaded by restaurant managers, the sighting of any pest is definitely not good for business. It is therefore crucial that pests are not allowed to access the facility and increase in numbers by denying them food, water and habitation/shelter.
Threats to food safety abound both inside and outside the restaurant making it important for restaurant managers to familiarise themselves with pest “hot spots”. While such hot spots may differ from one restaurant to another, there are common places in any structure that require extra attention to prevent pests from getting established.
Waste Storage
The commonest outdoor hot spots emerge from the dumping sites due to poor garbage storage and disposal. In many places, not just restaurants alone, inadequate waste management systems often get overlooked. One should know that any food substances left behind will form the perfect attraction for disease-carrying pests.
Entry And Exit Points
The easiest mistake made by restaurant personnel is to leave the kitchen doors unclosed. It is akin to inviting pests to come in, giving them a sort of open-door policy! Air curtains should be put at the main entry points while torn window screens should be repaired so as to keep flies and flying insects from entering the facility.
Outdoor Lighting Fixtures
Pests are attracted to light, so it is important to have the right outdoor lighting. Employees should also take note of the neighbouring buildings. Pests migrate from one building to another, so one neighbour’s unclean behaviours can be the source of many pest problems.
Proper Sanitation And Maintenance
Kitchen appliances should be cleaned and sanitized. Clean does not necessarily mean sanitized. The act of cleaning simply removes visible dirt and debris, while sanitizing will kill all surface bacteria and other microbes. Floor drainages should be regularly cleaned to avoid fly infestations, and broken wall and floor flies need to be replaced as soon as possible.
Even the strictest and most stringent inspection and maintenance procedures are at times insufficient at keeping bugs at bay. Science has made great strides in pest management practices and products which can be used to supplement any integrated pest control program. Versatility is crucial since bugs are not the same in their traits and behaviours.
To come up with the best treatment program, restaurant personnel need to work with pest experts to select from bait systems, IGRs (insect growth regulators) or the undetectable liquid insecticides. All these methods have many different options, so it is important to regularly rotate them since some pests have developed behavioural and physiological aversion to some products.
Therefore, pest control in restaurants should involve rigorous inspections, periodic maintenance and proper sanitation of hot spots. Combined with Professional Pest Control options, these practices will ensure that the managers can now channel all their energies on running a successful, pest-free food establishment.